Ngā Here - The Many Connections

Haerenga Tuarua - Part 5 - What Happened In The Garden?

September 14, 2023 Season 2 Episode 5

E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku rau rangatira mā, tēnā rā tatou katoa, and welcome to episode five of the second season of Ngā Here.

In the last episode, we discussed what the abundant life is really about, and what it might mean for us to change the way we engage with our stuff. We pick up in this episode by talking about the story of the human naming the animals in Genesis 2.

We also have a kōrero with my friend Michael Reynolds. Michael runs an amazing kaupapa called
Roimata Food Commons, and another incredible project called Toha Kai. Roimata Food Commons is a community garden based in the heart of Woolston, right next to the Ōpāwaho River, just before it joins Ihutai - the estuary and then flows into the sea.

A massive mihi to Michael for being a part of this kaupapa.

Ngā Here - Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union. Produced by me, James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore.  Our Music was created by the astounding Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Don’t forget to listen to the whole 6 part series of Ngā Here.

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