Ngā Here - The Many Connections

Haerenga Tuarua - Part 4 - The Abundant Life Is Rubbish

Season 2 Episode 4

E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku rau rangatira mā, tēnā rā tatou katoa,  and welcome to episode four of the second season of Ngā Here.

In the last episode, we discussed our relationship with the whenua, and what it might mean for us to see God as a gardener. We pick up in this episode by discussing what it might mean for humans to be wise stewards of God's good creation.

We also have a kōrero with Miriama Buchanan from an organisation called Para Kore. You can find out more about them at

A massive mihi to Miriama and Para Kore for being a part of this kaupapa

Ngā Here - Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union. Produced by me, James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore.  Our Music was created by the astounding Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Don’t forget to listen to the whole 6 part series of Ngā Here.

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