Ngā Here - The Many Connections
Over the years I’ve noticed that there are a lot of us who can see that our planet is a bit broken and that how we live as a people in Aotearoa is a bit broken too - and we’ve got some pretty big questions.
Questions about what the Bible might have to say about the way we live and care for creation. Questions about how we can deeply connect with the world around us and each other. Questions about why the church seems so useless when it comes to caring for God’s creation. And questions about how Māori and Pākehā can learn from each other, and grow together.
So if you’re keen - I’d love to invite you to come along on this crazy, beautiful, journey with me, Waiora Te Moni, and Dr Andrew Shepherd - as we explore Ngā Here - The Many Connections that exist between creation, the Bible and living in Aotearoa.
Ngā Here - The Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation. Produced by James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore. Our Music was created by Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Artwork by Tepene Marsden.
Ngā Here - The Many Connections
Haerenga Tuarua - Part 2 - Acceleration and Alienation
E aku nui, e aku rahi, e aku rau rangatira mā, tēnā rā tatou katoa.
Welcome to episode two of the second season of Ngā Here.
Last time on Ngā Here, we had just got the team back together. We went to a local reserve and planted a few native plants and had a whole bunch of conversations about how we locate and connect ourselves and what happens when we are in a relationship with a place.
Since last time, we unpacked our bags, made a cup of tea, and settled in for a conversation about how supermarkets have changed our world.
Ngā Here - Many Connections is a project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union. Produced by me, James Beck, with Creative Direction from the Revered Spanky Moore. Our Music was created by the astounding Chris Williams - check him out on Spotify. Don’t forget to listen to the whole 6 part series of Ngā Here.